
Speak freely
with your peers

Secure and anonymous messaging for pilot support

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Great features

Simple. Secure. Free.

Peer Support Program can be defined as a system within which a pilot or other safety-critical staff can ask for help, for themselves or for colleagues. Help, in a strictly confidential area, to deal with any type of difficulty, for example psychological distress due to stress deriving from work or personal problems. Offer a “safe zone” where they can be open without fear of either retribution or jeopardising their livelihood.
The Program, which reflects both a proactive and reactive approach, is therefore aimed at promoting health in the sense of complete well-being and therefore of balance in the psychic-physical-social,sphere

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Why choose our app

Totally free. Also calls. No limits.

In the aeronautics field, the need has emerged to reconsider the human element, just when it seemed that technology was the aspect that more than any other would have guaranteed the development of the sector. Some events in recent years have brought attention to the human factor.

In their guidelines, EASA recommend that airlines provide support networks for aircrew. As qualified and experienced clinical and aviation psychologists we are active in offering a range of psychological support services to aircrew

Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1042, CAT.GEN.MPA.215 - Support program that amended EU Regulation 965/2012. The implementation obligation, initially established from 14 August 2020, due to the SARS Covid-19 Pandemic, was postponed to 14 February 2021 by EU Regulation 2020/745 of 4 June 2020.

Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, Air Operation Regulation, related acceptable compliance methods and guidance material referred to in ED Decision (EASA) 2018/012 / R of 21 November 2018

Air Peer Support Programme is governed to the highest professional and medical standards of confidentiality.

As each operator has different requirements we will provide this as a bespoke service, for large and small AOCs operating in every sector of aviation, and look to work with you to develop the best way forward for you.

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The best security with P2P data encryption

Simple. Secure. Anonymous.

Data encryption is a set of techniques for encrypting sensitive and personal data, to ensure its confidentiality. The objective is to prevent anyone from accessing it without permission, by making it unreadable for anyone without a decryption key. Learn how encryption works, and how it provides effective protection against online threats, theft and disclosure of sensitive data.

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Always your best friend

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulates how companies manage protected health information. We can create HIPAA-compliant video rooms for every single session. It’s perfectly compliant with every rule and regulation.

Messages and calls. Ever

Now more than ever, people are using video calls to communicate effectively and efficiently. Here’s how communication has evolved over the years. In partership with Whereby We received an ISO27001 certification and continuously undergo regular penetration tests on our infrastructure while working with security researchers via our Vulnerability Disclosure Policy. But our efforts don’t just stop there.

Download now. It's free. It's secure

To make your chat completely anonymous no logs of the conversation are stored with us. Only peer or healt staff support users can see the conversations as anonymous user. By online anonymous chat we refer here to the “Anonymous” option.

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Send an email to info@airpeersupport.com or call sales department: +39 333 45 73 003